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Broadcom BCM957414A4142CC
Dual-Port 25 Gb/s SFP28 Ethernet PCI Express 3 x8 Network InterfaceCard Broadcom BCM957414A4142CC
The Broadcom® BCM957414A4142CC is a dual-port 25 Gb/s, PCI-Express Gen3 x8 Network Interface Card that supports both SFP28/SFP+ optical modules and copperdirect attach cable. The card uses the Broadcom BCM57414 25GbE MAC controller with the integrated dualchannel 25GbE SFI transceiver.
The Broadcom® BCM957414A4142CC is a dual-port 25 Gb/s, PCI-Express Gen3 x8 Network Interface Card that supports both SFP28/SFP+ optical modules and copperdirect attach cable. The card uses the Broadcom BCM57414 25GbE MAC controller with the integrated dualchannel 25GbE SFI transceiver.